I owe no tribe allegiance
No flag, no army, no anthem
No tis of thee
No skin symphony
No clay prayers
No Mohamed Moses
No Buddah Jesus
None of that
Except this
My humanity
No nation holds my passport
No border contains me
We’ve had a long history of nations
Of tribes
And every tribal vow is dipped in our blood
Our children’s blood
Every innocence is betrayed
They say I don’t understand
I don’t know the history
The story
But every story is the same
Over and over
We know how it begins
We know it’s gory middle
And we know it’s bloody end
The same damn end again and again
Until I stand and say
I pledge allegiance to no nation under no flag no god
Because no nation holds our future
No prophecy beyond this
I pledge allegiance to my humanity
And yours
My brother
My sister
The children still to come
I pledge alliance to you all
For you are the only future we have
Beyond flags
Beyond tribes
One shared humanity
Over all