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Writer's pictureChristopher McHale

Platform for the new Citizen First Party

Putting citizens at the heart of America

Political Platform for a Just, Sustainable, and Inclusive Future

1. Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine

Bring integrity back to media by requiring balanced and honest coverage of controversial issues. This ensures that citizens receive diverse perspectives and can make informed decisions.

2. Overturn Citizens United

End the corrosive influence of unlimited corporate money in politics by reversing Citizens United v. FEC. Democracy belongs to the people, not billionaires or special interests.

3. Publicly Funded Elections

Implement a six-week publicly funded election cycle to eliminate the influence of private donors, reduce campaign costs, and refocus candidates on serving voters rather than fundraisers.

4. Pass an Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) for All Genders

Guarantee constitutional protections against discrimination based on gender, ensuring equality for everyone regardless of their identity.

5. Medicare for All

Provide universal healthcare as a human right. Simplify access, lower costs, and ensure every American has the care they need without financial hardship.

6. Invest in Infrastructure and Public Transit

Modernize America’s roads, bridges, and utilities while creating a robust, efficient public transit system. This investment will create jobs, reduce traffic, and make cities more livable and connected.

7. Cut the Military Budget by 50%

Reallocate excessive military spending toward domestic priorities such as education, healthcare, and climate initiatives while maintaining a strong, efficient defense system.

8. Strong Borders with Compassionate Immigration Reform

Secure borders with fair, humane policies that prioritize safety and dignity. Pass comprehensive immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship, protects dreamers, and ensures worker rights.

9. Climate Crisis Response

Launch an aggressive, science-based response to the climate crisis. Invest in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, reforestation, and clean technology to transition to a carbon-neutral economy and protect future generations.

This platform embodies the values of fairness, equity, sustainability, and accountability. It focuses on empowering citizens, addressing systemic inequalities, and preparing the nation for the challenges of tomorrow. Together, we can build a more just and resilient society.


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